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Showing posts from September, 2020

The journey continues

 Last time I posted, in May, I mentioned about wanting to become a writer. Well, just to clarify, I already am a writer. I have this blog, even if I don't keep up with it. I have journal upon journal full of entries dating back to my teens. I even have several started books. I AM a writer. However, I am NOT published and I have not really shared much of my writing with anyone, except for here in this blog.  So, that said, I have decided to continue this journey that I have been dreaming about since I was a kid. I am determined to become a published author. Now comes the hard work...and I don't mean writing. I mean deciding on what genre of writing and which topic to tackle. UGH! Too many decisions! Well, one friend mentioned that I should begin by just posting more frequently on here. She is wise. So hopefully you don't get too sick of me...and even more hopefully, you will share my posts with those you know who may benefit from what I write or who may be entertained by it!...