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Showing posts from May, 2021

"All that to say..." Series!

 Ok, folks! I have decided that I enjoy reading things and then writing my thoughts down on what I read. That can be a book, a news article, an op-ed, a chapter in a textbook...whatever. So, since I am so entertaining (at least to myself), I thought I would share my thoughts with ya'll! Stay tuned here on this blog for upcoming "All that to say..." posts! And if you like what you read, please subscribe to the blog and share it with your friends. Also, comments are always welcome on any of my posts. I just ask that you act civilized toward one another...or I will prove to you that I am a mom and put you in time-out.  I know that some of my posts may ruffle political feathers of one side or another...or both. Also, I should add this disclaimer: If I post something that you do not agree with, there is no need to criticize my opinion or to unfriend or unfollow me or what have you. We can have civilized discussions about our difference in opinion. Comment your thoughts and I w...

 I know I haven't really been super good at this whole transparency thing even though that was the initial purpose of this blog. For that I apologize and I am going to try to make up for at least a little of the lost time by revealing a secret that not many people know. Here goes...I suffer from depression.  I don't mean I have down days sometimes. I mean I am on two different anti-depressants and an anxiety medicine. I mean I have to force myself out of bed a lot of mornings and plaster on a somewhat convincing smile for the rest of the world. I mean if I had the option, I would much prefer to stay at home, all by myself, in bed all day. And that is while I am on my medicine.  A few years ago, I began counseling and had to do some serious evaluations of myself during that time. I also had to make some serious confessions to myself. For instance, I had to admit that I had been in an abusive relationship: physically, emotionally, and sexually. I also had to admit that I wa...

A few things I've learned as a mom

 Today is Mother's Day. Honestly, it's one of my least favorite days of the year...for many reasons. For example, why do we need a Mother's Day in the first place? Shouldn't mothers be honored and loved 365 days a year? And don't we realize how painful this day is to so many out there? Those who have lost their mothers or their children...those who desperately want to be a mom but for whatever reason cannot...those who have had a falling out with their mom or their child...and so many more. I don't know. Mother's Day, Father's Day, and Valentines Day are three days that I am convinced we would be better off without. But enough of my cynicism.  The point is: I am a mother. I have been one since 1995 (so like, a really long time!). Today I can proudly proclaim that I have seen three of my four children become adults and have babies of their own. My baby, the last one who is not legally an adult yet, will hit that milestone in just three months! This means ...